
Maypole Dancing

May 1 – Arrival of the Sun l Beltane

May 1 is a day to celebrate the arrival of the Sun in many countries in the north for 2000 years, with dancing around a maypole and Morris Dancing in the UK

June solstice sunrise viewed from the western observing point. Photograph: Iván Ghezzi Copyright IDARQ via Portal to the Heritage of Astronomy UNESCO and World Heritage Center

Podcast Episode 66 l What are solstice and equinoxes?

From the Archives: In the Podcast Episode 66, we are talking about what are solstice and equinoxes. How do they occur and what is the science.

Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) summer 2004, Denmark. 360 on History

Swallows – Liverpool Nature Nerds

Swallows are summer birds to the UK and this post is for the Liverpool Nature Nerds a community forum by 360 on History. They are here from March to October

Common swift or Apus apus in flight

Swifts – Liverpool Nature Nerds

Summer is almost upon us and it time for more migratory birds to arrive in the UK from Africa. We've had a few already but I for one can't wait for the swifts, swallows and martins. Here we talk about...

House martin on the ground and flying sand martin. 360 on History

Martins – Liverpool Nature Nerds

House and sand martins visit the UK in the summer. Check out these amazing birds here.