Tube Anemone has the Largest Animal Mitochondrial Genome

tube anemone has the largest mitochondrial genome in the animal kingdom
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Tube Anemone has the Largest Animal Mitochondrial Genome

The tube anemone, Isarachnanthus nocturnus, is only 15 cm long but it has the largest mitochondrial genome sequenced to date – including humans. The human genome has 16,569 base pairs, the tube anemone tops up at 80,923 base pairs.

Mitochondrial genome is simpler than the nuclear genome. For example, the human nuclear genome contains 3 billion base pairs. The nuclear genome of the anemone has not yet been sequenced so we don’t know how big it is.

The anemone is found in the Atlantic coast from Patagonia in Argentina up to the East Coast of the US.

The findings were published in Scientific Reports led by Sérgio Nascimento Stampar, a professor in São Paulo State University’s School of Sciences and Letters (FCL-UNESP) at Assis in Brazil.

Image: Guy Dugas from Pixabay

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